Can anyone join SKMM?
Membership to SKMM, is restricted to members in good standing with the Seventh-day Adventist Church

What is the minium age for joining?
The minimum age for joining is 18 years of age.  Individuals under 18 years of age may join if they have a parent or guardian who is actively involved in the ministry.

Do I have to own or ride a motorcycle to join?
No, that is what is unique about this ministry.  You do not have to own or ride a motorcycle to be a part of this ministry.  In fact, this ministry was founded by individuals that did not own or ride a motorcycle, but they felt a passion to minister to the motorcycle community.

What is expected of me?
Have a desire to share the gospel and the three angels’ messages in an unconventional way.


Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Ministry

South Central Region


Rick Thames - Regional Director

Arkansas-Louisiana-Oklahoma-Texas-New Mexico-Florida